19 Tips for Running with a Jogging Stroller

Running with a jogging stroller can take some getting used to but it can be very worthwhile. Running is a great way to get outside and get moving while having your little one in tow. Whether you were an avid runner in your pre baby life or just thinking about a way to get in some exercise now that you have a new side kick, you probably have some questions. There are a few things to know about the logistics of running with your baby to make it enjoyable for all involved.
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When to start running mama?
Well mama, let’s start with you. It is recommended that new moms wait at least 12 weeks before starting to run. 12 Weeks is the minimum. You want to make sure you have allowed time for healing and established a solid foundation. Proper healing and recovery can prevent issues such as pelvic pain from limiting you. Not sure if you are ready? Check out my free Reclaim Your Postpartum Body Live Event before you lace up your sneakers.
When to start running with baby?
Great now that you are ready what about your baby? This one is a little trickier as there really aren’t any studies done on the safety and efficacy of running with a baby but here are a few things to know. If you read the warnings on most jogging strollers they will likely say 6 months however some say 8 months. This is recommended based on your babies ability to hold their head up with good control. However this doesn’t exactly match up with most babies developmentally. 6-8 months seems very cautions and perhaps more litigious based than anything else. Most babies will have good head control between 3-4 months and full control by 6 months. My little one was crawling at 6 months and walking by 8 so needless to say her neck control was great and I was running with her by 14 weeks.
The main concern with lack of head control is whip lash or neck strains from too much head movement. There are ways to address these concerns:
Make sure you are using the right stroller (more on that in a minute)
Baby position: recline the seat back to at least 45degrees or as far back as your little one is comfortable. When the seat is reclined they don’t need as much strength and coordination to control their head. As they gain the ability to sit upright unsupported you can bring the seat more upright safely. Use infant car seat attachment to keep them snug and stable, if this keeps them save in a moving vehicle that goes much faster and will likely hit more bumps I see no reason why this isn’t sufficient for a light jog. Some joggers have a bassinet attachment to keep baby flat for smooth paths only at a slow pace and stop using if your little one is trying to sit up.
Keep in mind as you are starting you will likely be going slowly and try to stick to smoother paths to decrease vibrations. I wouldn’t recommend taking a young baby off roading or at racing speeds.
I started running with my son at 5 months old (we waited longer due to a c-section) and my daughter at 14 weeks. I also know plenty of parents who have taken their babies on runs prior to the 6 month mark, some have been other therapists and some have been pediatricians. This is not me telling you to run earlier than 6 months with your baby. This is me telling you that every baby is different and there is a range of readiness. Mama you know your baby best so use your best judgement. If you have any questions or concerns talk with your pediatrician or your pediatric physical therapist to see if your little one is ready.

Tips for Running with Jogging Stroller
1. Make sure you are using the right jogging stroller
If you plan on running or jogging (really what’s the difference) with your baby you will want to invest in a proper jogging stroller. This may seem obvious but I’ve come across so many parents out there pushing their regular stroller while running. Just because a stroller might be able to handle the run doesn’t mean you should use it. Jogging strollers are designed to absorb more shock and provide a more comfortable run for you and your little one.
A good jogging stroller should have three air filled wheels which are generally larger than a traditional stroller and suspension. which helps with shock absorption and makes it easier to roll over bumps and uneven surfaces. Joggers are also usually a bit heavier, have front wheels that can lock, hand breaks, safety straps and handle bars that adjust. All these features are designed for a safer and more efficient run. Most jogging strollers are also compatible with infant car seats either directly or with an adapter.
My personal favorite is the Thule Urban Glide Double and of course their single. The Double is not only my go to running stroller for my two littles but we use it anywhere we might need two seats (fairs, farms, Disney) we love it. The Thule has car seat adaptor options and you can get a bassinet attachment so you can use this stroller right away for your baby.
Runners up are the BOB Gear Alterrain Pro and the Graco Trax travel system which is more cost effective but more for lighter running on smooth paths.

2. Gradually increase your time/distance as you start running with a stroller
You want to make sure you are gradually easing into running with a stroller, for yourself and for your little one. If you are just getting back into running it is especially important to gradually increase your distance and build up your pace. Running with a jogger takes a little getting used to, it is added weight and limits your arm swing and rotation. You want to start slow and gradually build up your pace as you are capable.
This will allow your baby to get used to being in the jogger as well. When you go out slow and for a short period of time you can make sure your baby is handling the run well and that baby is comfortable and safe.
3. Timing is everything for stroller runs
The debate as to whether to run during nap time or to avoid it really all depends on what works best for you and your baby. This might take some trial and error and some flexibility on your end. I find a lot of babies are lulled to sleep on the go. If this is your little one it might be best to try and time the run around nap time so they do not through their schedule off with an impromptu nap.
Napping on the run can provide you with a little peace and some “alone time” you can do with your baby. This can also allow you to get a longer run in, if you are finding that your baby tends to get restless on the go after a time.
On the flip side running when your little one is awake can provide some great external stimulation for your baby as they check out all the sights and sounds around them. This can be a great bonding time for you both and can allow you some rest when they nap later on back at home.
Play around here and find what works best for you and know that it might change.

4. Adjust your mindset and stay flexible
Your run will likely look different and that’s OK. If you used to run for speed and distance you might need to readjust to running for time instead. At least to start. You are going to be slower when pushing a jogger, even with practice, so maybe ditch the expectations. Although pushing a stroller while running is great to mix into your training, you will feel more easeful on days without the stroller and possibly even a faster.
Staying flexible is key. You may have days where your little one is loving the run or has fallen asleep for a solid nap. In which case take advantage of that and perhaps go a little further. On the other hand there may be days where you little one just isn’t having it. No amount of distractions or coaxing will work and you may need to cut your run short. This may ebb and flow from day to day and also with different stages of baby and toddlerhood.
5. Check the weather and get the gear: accessories bunting, rain shield, stroller fans
Pre baby, I used to love the occasional mid-run down pour. Since running with kids getting stuck in unplanned weather is less than ideal. Make sure you know what the conditions are prior to stepping outside and then plan accordingly.
There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear. And there is plenty of good gear that makes running in all sorts of weather possible, even with a baby. On hot days a stroller fan is a must when they are little and a very nice to have to keep sweaty toddlers happy. Use the canopy for shade on hot days and make sure the vents are open. Both the Thule and the BOB have great canopy cover. Do not use a blanket to shield baby, it can trap heat inside.
For cold and inclement weather use a rain shield. Graco has a very practical universal shield which I like because you can use it with your everyday stroller as well. If you have a double stroller its best to get a specific shield for the double you have, like this Thule rain cover. Using two single shields will just end up with pooling water in the center.
Using a shield is great for rain but also work really well in very cold or windy conditions as well. Speaking of cold weather running. If you are out in the winter you want to make sure you get a cozy baby bunting. I absolutely love the bunting from LL Bean because it is very warm and cozy, has made it through several New England winters and you can adjust it easily for slightly warmer days.

6. Choose the right location when running with a jogging stroller
Not only do you need to be mindful of weather you also need to be mindful of where you are running. This depends in part on the type of jogger you have and the age of your little one.
Some joggers like the Thule and the BOB I’ve mentioned can be used off roading. The large tires and suspension allows for this. Other joggers such as the Graco Trax should be used on paved paths and smooth sidewalks only. So if you know you want to be on dirt roads, grassy fields or on the trails you will need to make the investment in the larger more expensive strollers. It will be worth it for you and your baby.
If you decided that you and your little one are ready to venture out between 3 and 6 months and you are using any kind of attachment you want to keep your runs to smooth surfaces to decrease the bumps and vibrations. Once your little one is sitting unsupported with good control you can vary the terrain you are on. We have taken our double Thule on full on adventures once our youngest was fully mobile, strong and coordinated and was properly harnessed in.
Keep in mind where you live, some sidewalks are very uneven and would be considered more off road material. If you are on the streets make sure they are low traffic areas with good shoulder space.
7. Keep road safety in mind.
Road safety is SO important, something I will likely do an entire post about. I am always shocked once it gets a little warmer out to see how many people need to be reminded of this.
The side of the road you are on matters. If you are running with or without a jogging stroller you need to be going against traffic. This allows you to have better visualization and thus can react sooner if need be. There are certain areas where this may not be the case (blind turns) and you will need to switch sides momentarily. Do not cross mid hill, it can be difficult for cars to see you. Always use of cross walks when available. If there is no shoulder use a path or sidewalk. This may take some preplanning on your end depending on where you live. You might need to drive to a safe location to run with a jogger if you are on a busy street without sidewalk access.
Other safety tips to consider. If you are running with a jogger please do not use your ear buds/ head phones. You need all your senses available. Visibility is key. When running at dusk use bike lights on your stroller (not just reflectors. It is also advisable to wear bright clothes and your own lights as well.
8. When to lock the front wheel on your jogger?
If you are running, jogging or even speed walking should have the front wheel locked in a fixed position. You will likely also want the front wheel locked if walking or hiking on very uneven ground. Locking the front wheel provides more stability and is safer. You can unlock the wheel when walking only. The swivel will make it easier to turn. However running with the swivel wheel can lead to tipping or the stroller veering in unexpected directions.
To turn with the wheel locked you can push down on the handle bars to lift front wheel slightly to allow for turning or twist the stroller for smaller or more gradual turns. If turning right you will push more into your left hand and vice versa.

Tips to entertain your baby in a jogging stroller
9. Bring the snacks
I mean this is my advice to EVERYTHING with parenting. Always bring the snacks! Runs included. Of course this advice is age dependent. You want to make sure your little one is successfully eating solids at home before you introduce any solids on the go since visualization of your baby isn’t as good. Pouches are always a good option (I used to bring some when I was training for an ultra) But as your baby grows into toddlerhood having several snacks available is a must!

10. Place some novelty toys in your jogging stroller
Babies love to learn and explore. Novelty keeps things interesting and exciting. Keep one or two toys just for the stroller can help your little one look forward to getting in some stroller time. Being exposed to new toys can also help keep them entertained a bit longer. These toys can be simple but make sure they attach to either your baby or the stroller itself. I have had many runs interrupted by back tracking to catch a loved stuffy.
11. Include your kids
Keep your kids entertained by including them in the adventure. Singing the alphabet, pointing out and talking to animals or other runners you see, and playing eye spy are all great activities your running buddy will enjoy (age dependent of course!) I also loved having my son be my “coach” he would tell me which direction to go and when to go faster. This kept things interesting for both of us! Your kids ultimately just want to be with you. They don’t care if it is out for a run or in the house. If they know they have your attention they are usually pretty content.
Tips for better form when running with a jogging stroller
12. Occasionally pump the breaks
Since jogging strollers tend to be a bit heavier, they can feel like they want to get away from you on the down hill. If you live in a particularly hilly area make sure your stroller has a hand break. To keep control over the stroller you might need to pump the break during steep downhills. The hand break not only can give you better control and a smoother ride for your baby but it can help your form too. If not using a break it is easy to compensate and attempt to slow down the stroller by leaning backwards.
13. Alternate pushing hands when running with a jogging stroller
It can be tempting to keep hands on the push bar of your stroller but you want to make sure you aren’t death gripping the stroller. You don’t want to lose out on your arm swing all together when you are running with a stroller. Your arm swing is an important part of your form. A good arm swing keeps you balanced, propels you forward, can help you run faster and makes you more efficient.
It’s normal to want to push with your dominant hand but make sure you are changing it up. Alternating which hand is pushing the stroller allows you to utilize your arm swing while preventing asymmetries.

14. Pay attention to height of the push bar on your jogging stroller.
Make sure you set the strollers push bar at the right height. When you run you generally have your elbows bent around 90 degrees. A little more bent when sprinting or going uphill and less bent when running down hill. To maintain a more natural running position when running with a jogging stroller, have the bar set so your elbows are around 90 degrees. This will keep you comfortable and set you up to stay close to the stroller.

15. Drive with your legs and core
While arm swing is important you ultimately want to drive with your legs and core and not your arms. Staying close to the stroller will help to ensure this. You loose the connection to your core when pushing the stroller too far in front of you, this can place strain on your back. So when running with a jogging stroller, stay close, elbows around 90 degrees.
16. Use the wrist strap
Keeping your connection with the jogging stroller is important for your form and to keep your little one safe. Using your wrist strap will help keep you do that. Most wrist straps are long enough to maintain an arm swing so while you are connected you wont feel stuck. The strap is especially important in really busy areas as well as really hilly runs.

17. Hands Free Has Its Place
They say the more the merrier! So, if you plan to take your dog with you on your stroller run, invest in a hands free dog leash. You already have enough to think about when running with a jogging stroller, you don’t also want to worry about leash management and getting tangled! I have found that the hands free least not only freed up my hands but the elastic leash decreased pulling for us. A total win win!
18. Keep depletion In Mind, Especially if You are Early Postpartum.
When running with a jogging stroller you’ll burn more calories. A study demonstrated 5-8% more energy used with a stroller. A study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness also found higher heart rates, elevated lactate and higher perceived exertion when running with a stroller compared to without. This is important to keep in mind to avoid depletion which is really common postpartum. Your first year postpartum is tiring enough, while there are a ton of benefits to returning to running you want to make sure you are not pushing yourself into depletion. Make sure you are eating enough nourishing foods and staying hydrated to fuel your extra work while running with a stroller.
The #1 Tip for taking your baby on a run in a jogger
19. Let them see you have fun.
Above all else, the number one rule for taking baby on a run in a jogging stroller is to have fun. Let this be enjoyable for the both of you. It is important for you to weave in things that you love throughout the day. Our kids learn by example. Seeing you enjoy physical activity can set them up for active lifestyle as well. To me running with my babies is the best of all worlds. I get my “me time” while also spending time with my kids. I get to clear my head and get some exercise by resuming what I love and I get to share that with them!

Thank you for sharing!
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