11 Reasons a Bath Really is Self-Care

Is it time to start implementing baths into your self care routine? What? Did I actually just suggest taking a bath as self care? Bubble baths have gotten a bad rap as of late. It seems like we can’t talk about self care without stating “not the bubble bath kind.”
I get it there is more to self care than a bath. Sure, there is more to be done to REALLY care for ourselves. Isn’t that the way of it. There is ALWAYS more to be done, even when it comes to self care.
Maybe it’s because I’m partial to a good soak or maybe it’s because I feel we often try to over complicate things. In any case, I am going to go out on a limb and make the unpopular claim that YES taking a bath is not only self care but a really good and convenient form at that!
First off what exactly is self-care. It is simply the ability of taking care of ones self in a way to maintain or promote optimal health and wellness. Self- care does not need to be fancy or expensive. It can address your physical, mental or emotional health/wellness and in the best of cases a combination. Generally you should feel better after a self care activity than before you started it. Taking a bath fits the bill here and these are just a few reasons why.
1. Its convenient and affordable
Self care needs to be accessible. The easier it is to perform the more likely you are to do it. As long as you have a tub this can be an easy and affordable way to lavish yourself with attention and perform some mindfulness. While I love a beautiful claw foot or sleek stand alone any clean bathtub will do. So yes move those kid toys aside, perhaps set some mood lighting with a candle and draw yourself a bath.

2. We often resist what we need the most
If you are resisting it, it is likely something you need. I know so many people who just don’t like to take a bath. The sitting still. Not having anything to do. The feeling that you should be doing something else (ANYTHING else.)
These are all signs that you NEED to pause for a moment and if sitting in some warm water is the only way to keep you in one spot for a few minutes then time to get on it.
You don’t need to be in there all night but perhaps 5-15 mins. If it is a new practice for you or if you have “business syndrome” start with 5 minutes. Now I’m not going to tell you to do something you hate but maybe think about the reasons you are resistant to it and see it that alone isn’t worth some experimenting.
Self-care isn’t always something you love (binging Netflix with a glass of wine) but it should make you feel better afterwards. I didn’t LOVE journaling at first but I did it because of the many benefits and because I felt so stuck in my postpartum depression that I needed to try something. I have since grown to enjoy it and taking a bath very well could be the same for you.
3. Reconnect to yourself in a bath
Taking a bath allows you to reconnect to yourself. It’s intimate and private. It gives you time to feel into your body and also to appreciate your body in new ways. One of the struggles with becoming a mother is the acceptance of our new mom bodies. The earlier on in postpartum we are the more significant the change is and the more abrupt the adjustment. It is good to get reacquainted with yourself. Our bodies are ever changing and getting in the habit of coming to terms with where we currently are is needed. Taking a bath is a great place to practice body acceptance and self love.

4. Baths are great self-care because they are good for your nervous system
Being surrounded by warm water has a calming affect on your nervous system. The slight extra full body pressure from being submerged in water can elicit this calming affect. For an extra boost add in body squeezes for extra deep pressure which can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
The temperature also plays a role. A study has shown repeated warm water baths can decrease sympathetic activity. Warm baths are also shown to decrease stress hormones and balance serotonin levels which can boost mood and have a calming and peaceful affect.
Since baths are good for your nervous system, they are a great way to address feeling touched out.

5. Ease muscle tension in the tub
A warm bath can increase circulation which can aid in blood flow to sore and tense muscles helping them recover and ease tension. Add in Epsom salts to boost the benefits of decreasing muscle tension. Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin and the magnesium in the salts can help relax muscles as well as decrease swelling and pain in arthritic joints.
The stress relieving benefits of the bath can also contribute to decreased muscle tension that is stress related while the bath also physically relaxes the muscles.
6. Take a Bath to Sleep Better
Yup taking a bath before bed isn’t just for babies, tired mamas will also benefit.
The calming affects of a bath can prepare the body for sleep. Serotonin is known to modulate sleep and warm baths have been shown to support serotonin levels so a bath before bed could lead to better sleep. Getting out of a warm bath at night and drying off signals a drop in body temperature as the water evaporates. That drop in body temperature is a signal for your circadian rhythm to get ready for sleep.
Know that it is really common to feel exhausted in early motherhood but also know that you should not be feeling exhausted all the time. If you are feeling more tired than not read here to figure out why that might be.
7. A bath can act as a decongestant
A hot bath can offer temporary relief from congestion. The steam from a bath can help thin the mucus in your sinuses. You can boost this benefit by adding in essential oils. Menthol can help loosen mucus and suppresses coughs, eucalyptus can bonus add menthol, eucalyptus can help stimulate the bodies immune system, peppermint oil can reduce inflammation and open up airways, cinnamon can help with cough suppression.

8. Ease constipation with an epsom salt bath
Another benefit of epsom salt baths is that they can ease constipation. Place 1 cup of the salts in the bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. The magnesium is absorbed through the skin and can act as a natural laxative. The improved blood circulation in a warm water bath may also help with improved gastrointestinal motility allowing for more regular bowel movements.
9. Taking a bath may decreased blood pressure
Warm to hot baths dilate blood vessels and that leads to decreased blood pressure at least temporarily. According to Harvard when done on a regular basis taking a warm bath may have long term heart benefits. Sauna bathing has been shown to have reduced cardiac events and a Japanese study also demonstrated cardiac benefits with a regular bedtime bath routine.
10. A bath as part of your skin care
Soaking in the tub gives your skin time to soften which can help with exfoliating. Warm water opens the pores so dirt and grim can escape helping you get squeaky clean. Add in oatmeal to ease skin irritation and help to moisturize dry skin. Warm, not hot, baths are great for everyday skin care.
They can also be very beneficial in relieving symptoms of skin irritations with the addition of oatmeal or baking soda.
Oatmeal baths can be great to ease symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, rashes, bug bites and even poison ivy. Oatmeal baths can help balance out your skin’s pH, improving moisture and decreasing the itch. Adding baking soda can also help relieve itch.

11. Baths are a great way to practice mindfulness and being present.
Taking a bath is a great way to practice presence and mindfulness which makes it a great self-care activity.
Sitting still in the bath helps you put a pause on your need for productivity and allows acceptance of ease and flow. While you can bring your phone in with you I will caution away from it (at least don’t do it every time you take a bath.) It can be a fun place to mindlessly scroll or jot down a to- do list but resist that urge. Try to embrace the fact that you are just there, no agenda. Try to stay present and feel into it. Notice how the water feels and how you feel in it.
Need practice in your mindfulness practice? No problem. You can always listen to a guided meditation or just some relaxing music while you soak.

There you have it 11 reasons why a bath is actually a really great self-care activity. So if you used to love a good bath but just haven’t made time recently or you are just starting to consider easy self care options consider this your per
Thank you for sharing!
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